
read-only is a blog website written and maintained by rootCompute, founded in 2024.

The goal of this project is to explore and recontextualize broad topics related to technology, namely the way human beings interface with it, how it shapes our lives, the unprecedented ways it makes us think, feel and interact with each other.

Author's Testimony

I am by no means an expert in the field of technology. I don't have a computer science degree nor a lucrative career in the industry. I'm not a journalist, I don't live in a tech hub or even an urban center. I do, however, often come to observe the downstream effects of technological development on the lives of ordinary people.

I value technology in my own life as far as it provides utility; technology should be a tool for humans to more easily reach their goals rather than a source of entrapment. From this general perspective, I would like to extrapolate further on a variety of subjects related to our modern technological ecosystem.

The convenient part about centering on technology is the vast pool of connections related to the subject. Big tech has reached its tentacles into so many facets of modern life that an understanding of technological deployment is required to understand how the world works.

I see writing as a way for me to gain a deeper understanding of the subjects I am interested in as well as an avenue to pull my disconnected, sometimes contradictory thoughts out of my head and put them down into plain English, to challenge the veracity of my preconceived notions and explore why they existed to begin with.

I appreciate you taking the time to read my work, I hope you'll take something positive away from this venture that I don't entirely understand yet.


I would like to thank the few people in my life who helped give me the confidence to pursue writing as a hobby. You know who you are.

I would not have been able to put this blog site together without the following handy tools: Zonelets, Zoner, Codeberg Pages.


Feel free to send an email to rootcompute@protonmail.com if you have any questions or comments about this blog. I am also active on the social media site Mastodon.